
Monday, October 25, 2010

azam baru ;D

haha xD disebabkan kebosanan yang melampau..
i've decided to put my life to the public display
haha xD
that doesn't sound right ==
umm, let me get this straight
i meant that i was going to put my life to the public display by posting regularly on my blogger ^^
u guys didn't get it huh?
anyways, just wanna let u guys to know that from this day forward ^^
i'll try to update my blog everyday ^^
so bye bye !

haha wish me luck :3

Thursday, October 14, 2010


hari ni hmm..ntahla
xde mood la plak nk menaip ari ni
so,hmm hehe byebye :D

*baik x yah bukak internet tadi* ==

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


hmm da abeh PMR nieh da x tahu nak buat ape
tido je la~
gudnyte :D

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Esok da nk periksa,hehe..pas2 merdeka! Jd ari ni nk study elok2
mslhnye xleh nk study sbb hachiko ngah bring ats bdn.skit kepala bce kh dlm keadaan baring

Thursday, October 7, 2010


hmm da lame x blogging nieh
hehe,hmm jadi ari ni bukak la kejap sebab cuti
o ye PMR da nak abeh ^^
tinggal lagi 3 paper
math1, math2 and kh-perdagangan
wish me luck everyone !!
ari ni ari jumaat
periksa ari isnin minggu depan
so, ari ni nak rehat2 kan dulu otak nieh
nk maen game dlu tgk drama dlu and so on~

Monday, October 4, 2010

shot dead

i gave u my heart
but u threw it away and step on it
i picked it up
i tried to bandaged it
but it won't stay still everytime ur around
and today u beg me 4 another chance to take my heart again
but i can't risk having my heart shatter again because of you
so,will u promise me if i give my heart to you again..would u promise to care for it,
to always keep it warm and happy
and never let it shatter again?